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What is the IMMH Registry ?

Integrative Medicine for Mental Health is a Clinical Registry of practitioners who have supplemented their skills to promote wellness for individuals with significant mental health diagnoses: these include Major Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder, Sleep Disorders, OCD, Anxiety Disorders, AD(H)D, Eating Disorders, etc, based on an Integrative Medical Approach. 

San Diego Mental Health Resources



TheraNest Portal

You will be asked to enter your name and create a password. You may then complete some basic intake forms. As an option you may contact me and I will be happy to email or mail you forms. I am then able to schedule an Initial Assessment.



CARE Act (2023)

CARE stands for Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment. The CARE Act is a way to allow specific people, called “petitioners,” to request voluntary treatment, services, support, and a housing plan for people, called “respondents,” who have certain untreated severe mental illnesses, specifically schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. A respondent must be 18 years of age or older.


If you have a family member or another member of the community who could benefit from the CARE Act, please feel free to contact me for information.  I am authorized by the State of California to conduct an evaluation for San Diego Superior Court.  


For more information on the CARE Act click on the link below:




















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